Masticare™Pediatric Bridge-Spacer
(anterior and posterior teeth)
Masticare™ is an hybrid solution for children who lost teeth prematurely. Masticare™ accumulates the aesthetic function, acting as a bridge/crown, and the space maintainer function, keeping enough space open for permanent teeth to grow properly. Unique is aesthetics and functionality. For anterior teeth a composite is used while for posterior teeth peek is used.
Value Proposition
Masticare™ is a solution that accumulates three functions: aesthetics as it replaces, temporarily, a missed tooth; functionality, as you can use the temporary tooth; and space maintainer, as the the tempporary tooth keeps the space for new tooth eruption. The hollowed yet mechanically resistant temporary tooth, permits chewing loads, keeps inner space for tooth eruption, and is aesthetical. For anterior tooth composite materials, similar to tooth color are used, while for posterior teeth, peek material is used for higher mechanical resistance.
The Masticare™ paediatric bridge-spacer is a three in one solution: Acts as a space maintainer for new tooth eruption; acts as a bridge introducing a temporary tooth; and allows for chewing function.
Masticare™ paediatric bridge-spacer presentation.

Space maintainer
The temporary tooth do not allow movement of adjacent tooth keeping than space for eruption on new tooth. Further, it is hollow keeping enough space in its inner zone to allow for new tooth eruption.

Perfect fitting
The Masticare™ paediatric bridge-spacer is custom made, manufactured for your specific teeth geometry. Perfect fitting and comfort are achieved only with custom made solutions.

Aesthetics and mechanical resistance
The Masticare™ may be manufactured in composite materials, for anterior tooth, with aesthetics just as natural teeth, and for lower chewing loads, and in peek composite for posterior teeth, with less aesthetic but stronger mechanical resistance.